Bridging the Gap

At Regenerators, we are dedicated to bridging the persistent gap that exists in Sub-Saharan Africa between subsistence farming practices and modern  farming solutions.

We believe that regenerative farming practices and appropriate technologies are the foundation of a prosperous future for smallholder farmers

Our Vision

We envision a world where rural communities have reached true food sovereignty by fully transitioning to regenerative agricultural systems, ensuring their resilience and empowering them to prosper for generations to come.

To tackle wicked problems, we need bold solutions

Our mission to support the transition to a regenerative food system is underpinned by an awareness that this will require deep understanding and subsequent intervention within the social-ecological context of African smallholder farming communities: learning from those who intimately understand the interdependencies between the social and ecological dynamics of the region.

Our Approach

We take a systems-led approach to tackling these wicked problems by intervening across three interdependent domains: regenerative education, technology transfer, and innovation capacity.

Our three domains of intervention

Regenerators Farm Lab

Farm Lab’s one-stop shop model bridges the gap between subsistence farming and modern agricultural practices by providing smallholder farmers with access to appropriate technologies, inputs, digital tools, training, and resources.

Our holistic approach not only improves farmers' yields and livelihoods but also empowers them to adopt regenerative and climate-smart farming techniques, ensuring long-term resilience and success in an ever-changing agricultural landscape.

An Integrated System

Our solution is an integrated technology transfer system as a core solution with Farm Labs serving as the visible nodes to enable the system.

Farm Labs serve as the local hubs where farmers can access information, training, equipment, digital applications, inputs and resources to improve their productivity, profitability, and resilience. By establishing a network of interconnected Farm Labs, farmers can learn from each other's experiences and best practices, access market information, and leverage their collective bargaining power – all enabling wider systemic impact.

The creation of a technology transfer system with Farm Labs as the visible nodes holds the potential to create a virtuous cycle of innovation, learning, and collaboration that enhances smallholder farmers' livelihoods and contributes to achieving food sovereignty across Ethiopia.

Regenerators Living Lab Ethiopia

We have established our first Living Lab at the Hawassa University Innovation and Technology Campus. This central hub will serve as a conducive environment for experimentation and innovation.

By leveraging the resources and expertise available at the university campus, we can enhance our training programs, equipping partners with the necessary skills and knowledge to operate successful Farm Lab hubs.  Additionally, the facility will serve as a testing ground for new agricultural technologies and practices, ensuring that our franchise network remains at the forefront of innovation.

Through Living Lab at Hawassa University Innovation and Technology Campus, we aim to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and continuous improvement, driving the sustainable growth of our franchise model across Ethiopia and beyond.

Regenerators Ox4 Electric Tractor

Working with our partners to bring appropriate scale mechanisation to smallholder farmers. Creating jobs, knowledge, and capacity through local manufacturing and service delivery.

Meet the Team

  • Co-Founder + Lead Living Labs

    Patricia is a social innovator to the core. She speaks five languages fluently and has traveled through and lived in different countries which gives her a high level of cultural awareness and understanding. By listening deeply and asking the right questions she gets to the core of the problems people are facing and knows how to make sense of them by putting everything into context. She is trained in Systems Thinking and Human Centered Design. After her Master’s Degree in (Transport) Economics she worked as a consultant and project manager for several multinationals in the aerospace industry. She holds a degree in Social Innovation Management and is currently studying a Master’s Degree in Applied Positive Psychology, specializing in Positive Leadership.

    Patricia has worked as an independent consultant for several NGOs focusing on women’s and youth empowerment in Brazil and has helped them develop, structure and implement their programs and services. She is experienced in social entrepreneurship and impact measurement. Her passion lies in enabling people to become the heroes of their own success stories, both through education, training and positive leadership.

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Living Lab

    Oscar Pozuelos is a strategic designer with comprehensive experience in innovation. He specializes in the incubation of new ideas and the development of strategic solutions from a human perspective. For more than ten years, Óscar has focused his efforts on leading projects that promote economic and social development. He helps organizations and entrepreneurs to create new products and services, develop value propositions, and implement their ideas in replicable and scalable business models. Óscar explores ways in which design, innovation, and entrepreneurship can generate social and economic value. His commitment to achieving a positive impact has led him to explore ways to foster intercultural dialogue through implementing strategic human-centered solutions.

    Based in Madrid, Óscar is best known for his contributions to social innovation and impact entrepreneurship. Most of his experience centers in Latin America, and Europe, where he has developed several entrepreneurial programs that foster local development, taught Strategic Design and Social Innovation at different universities and carried out consultancies that sought to strengthen the entrepreneurship and social innovation ecosystems as a whole.

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Technologies

    Girma is an agricultural engineer by training with extensive detailed research and experimental experience in agricultural mechanization, with an emphasis on small-scale farmers. Girma started his professional career as an agricultural mechanization researcher at the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR). As a researcher, he was able to conduct independent research and participate in scientific workshops, which expanded his understanding of applied and basic research and enabled him to see potential, opportunity and challenges in agricultural mechanization research and development.

    He has designed and developed several agricultural machineries for small-scale farmers and has published a number of papers in peer-reviewed journals. Parallel to his role as a Mechanisation Director in the EIAR, he spent more than four years as a research director and principal investigator for a number of externally funded projects, including an Australian government-funded project called "Farm Power & Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification" and a project funded by the Japan Green Resource Agency (J-Green).

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Technologies

    Navneet is a Director in Steel Wood Limited which is his family business in Uganda. While he was born in India, Navneet has lived in Uganda since he was a child and so he has a lot of valuable experience in dealing with the African market. Navneet has a diploma in Automotive Engineering from a university in Malaysia. In 2015, following the completion of his studies he returned to Uganda and joined the family business after which he integrated his engineering knowledge to add value to both day to day operations and also new business development. Navneet now handles CNC machining and product design activities in Steel Wood Limited.

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Technologies

    William is a product designer with over ten years of experience working in Canada and northwestern Europe. Having a Bachelor’s of Industrial Design established a good foundation of processes and technical skills which was then rounded out with an MFA of Advanced Product Design which focused more on human-centred design and design-thinking methodologies.

    His professional experience has ranged from working on physical products for both consumer and professional to digital products for business and education, to the intersection of the two in physical Human-Machine-Interfaces in vehicles. He has worked on award winning projects in transportation and mobility that have become ubiquitous in their respective markets, on new and innovative collaborative productivity tools, and a range of general product design for domestic applications. His experience has put him working at both in-house teams of large corporations and at smaller design consultancies. William also has a background in agriculture, having been raised on a farm in Canada, bringing with him the inherent knowledge of the years of work and life experiences he established on the farm.

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Village

    Hassan holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Business and Finance from Herriot Watt University.

    Hassan is the Resident Director at the International University of East Africa (IUEA), where he oversees local and international partnerships with a focus on youth engagement and community development. He works closely with students and alumni, providing assistance with finding employment, starting businesses, engaging youth, and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit at IUEA. His direction and encouragement have helped implement, commercialize, accelerate corporate growth, and incubate technologies, most notably the IUEA ELECTRIC BIKE. The implementation of IUEA's sustainable innovation, with a focus on e-mobility, recycling, and renewable energy, has been guided by his expertise in business, finance, and administration.

    Hassan holds directorships and financial investments in many companies in East Africa including Pearl Rice Limited, eSusFarm® Uganda and Falcon Estates Uganda. He has spent the last three years overseeing the deployment and marketing of eSusFarm® Uganda as its Executive Director and Acting Country Manager, which will debut in October 2022.

    Hassan is fervently committed to helping smallholder farmers, who he sees as the foundation of both global and African food security.

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Village

    David is an experienced businessman who has worked across a wide number of sectors in both multinationals and startups. A Manufacturing Engineer by trade, David began his career at Bayer in 1996 before moving to Henkel Loctite in 1997 as an Industrial Engineer. While in Henkel he was promoted to the role of Operations Manager where he was responsible for 160 staff and an annual budget of €16mi. From 2002 - 2004, David completed an Executive MBA where he developed the entrepreneurial bug and in 2007 he left Henkel to provide business consultancy services across a range of areas including Strategy, Operations and Manufacturing.

    In 2013, David co-founded MagGrow (a technology that improves pesticide spraying applications) and he helped grow the business to over 30 employees working in 5 different countries. In his role as MagGrow’s Chief Technology Officer, David spent over 5 years working in East Africa where he developed backpack spraying systems for smallholder farmers and greenhouse applications. David left MagGrow in December 2021 to launch Regenerators Limited.

    David has been identified as a thought leader in the agri-food space in the context of sub-Saharan Africa and was recently invited by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) to join the Advisory Committee of their new initiative - Alliance for Modernizing African Agrifood Systems (AMAA)

  • Co-Founder + Regenerators Village

    Stewart is from a farming background in Ireland but has been working in International Development for almost 20 years. He has extensive experience managing development projects across the globe, including in Africa. He also has extensive experience providing technical support to development projects in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, project management and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).

    Stewart was the lead author on a series of knowledge products on CSA for the Committee for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), which represents all 15 member states in the SADC region. He was also the lead consultant supporting the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in their work on mapping ‘Ireland Inc’s’ initiatives in agri-business and rural development across the continent of Africa, as part of the work of the National Task Team on Rural Africa (NTTRA).

    More recently Stewart co-convened a series of independent dialogues as part of Ireland’s lead up to the UN Food Systems Summit. The dialogues looked at the trade-offs between Ireland’s targets in terms of production/sales of agricultural products while also aiming to develop a sustainable food system by 2050. Stewart went on to complete a course on sustainable food systems with Wageningen University. He also has professional qualifications in Project Management and Executive and Leadership Coaching.

We can’t run the race on our own

The wicked problems that we are addressing can only be solved through the creation of a symbiotic network of talented, like-minded, and inspired individuals and organizations.

As Regenerators, we are seeking to find partners and investors who share our vision and who will work tirelessly with us to bring this vision into reality.


Our partners